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About Us

Empty Pockets Rebuilds is a small family business based out of North Liberty, Iowa.
Taylor Foster, owner of Empty Pockets Rebuilds, developed his love for collecting farm toys in his childhood while growing up on a farm. During this time, Taylor also watched his dad work in the field tilling business, eventually getting into the construction industry himself once he was older.
Taylor and his dad went to many farm toy shows and, due to his interest in the construction industry, Taylor began looking for field tile toys. Being unable to find any tiling equipment model toys, he quickly realized that this was an untapped market in the model toy world.
In January of 2021, Taylor decided to fill this void by starting Empty Pockets Rebuilds, a small business that focuses on custom, hand painted field tile toys and other tiling equipment. Naturally, Taylor also has begun to create custom farm toys as well. These models are created from plastic resin and a 3D printer. The models are then carefully painted and assembled with Taylor's wife, Mady, doing a lot of the more detailed painting.
Our mission is to deliver the highest quality, most realistic products to our customers.
Thank you for all of your support!
-Ttakata Designs